How To Start Micro Investing

On this page, you'll learn how to automatically set up micro-investing spare change or extra cash with an Acorns account. Acorns makes a series of small deposits over time without you really even noticing. This page is for beginners.

9/16/20201 min read

acorns micro investing a cup of coffee and a cup of coffeeacorns micro investing a cup of coffee and a cup of coffee

Sign up with Acorns in under 5 minutes

This first step is to sign up and create an Acorns account. Acorns is “micro-investing” (investing small amounts of money at a time), so you can start saving quickly and invest often. It is perfect for people starting out.

Use your full name and your SSN, as you must comply with banking regulatory requirements.

Using my invite below, you will get $5 for free!

Secure your account

Log in to the Acorns app by choosing a strong password and keeping it safe. Then, enable 2-factor authentication (2FA) to increase the security of your account. This is a must and is an addition to your password.

Select An Investment Portfolio

Grow your account over time with diversified portfolios that suit your goals.

Acorns will ask a series of questions to help you select a portfolio.

Acorns fund management is provided by Vanguard's experience.

Link Your Bank Account, Debit or Credit Card

You will then be able to deposit money, and Acorns can then monitor purchases on these accounts for 'round ups'.

The more cards you link, the more 'round ups'.

Start with an Initial Deposit and then Reoccurring Deposits

Deposit a small amount and then define a small reoccurring amount at a frequency that suits you.

You can start with a small amount, such as $1 per day, and Acorns will show the projected growth.

Enable 'Round Ups'

Round-ups can be automatic or manual and will 'round up' your purchases and invest the difference.

For example, if you spend $3.50 on coffee, Acorns will invest the $0.50.

Every time the total of your 'round ups' hits $5, it invests.

Stick With It!

Acorns will show you detailed breakdowns of how your funds are invested and how they are projected to grow.

You can adjust the roundup and deposit amounts up and down at any time.