How To Securely Store Bitcoin

You'll learn how to buy a Ledger hardware crypto wallet and set it up for use. The Ledger is the best hardware wallet and makes it easy to securely store your Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), ChainLink (LINK) and many more.

8/15/20201 min read

ledger nano x with a purple backgroundledger nano x with a purple background

Purchase the Ledger Nano X in under 5 minutes

This first step is to purchase Ledger Nano X (or S Plus if you like) direct for the manufacturer. This is the cheapest and most secure method.

Please do not purchase from resellers such as eBay or Amazon due to the security risk.

Use my direct link below to the manufacturer and secure your crypto now!

Connect to your Ledger Nano S

Connect your Ledger Nano X via usb to a computer and follow the instructions on its small screen.

You can create a new wallet or import an account if you hold the private keys. Observe the on-screen instructions by selecting and validating with its two buttons above the display.

Always allow it to update its apps and bios.

Choose a PIN code

Memorize your PIN code that will be requested each time you connect your Ledger Nano X.

Entering the wrong PIN codes 3 times successively will reset the device.

Backup your recovery phrase

Make a copy of the recovery phase, 24 words in order of appearance. You can use the 'recovery sheet' provided in the box or your own. This step is extremely important so you can recover your wallet in case of loss or theft.

Keep the copy in a safe place.

Install the Ledger Live App

Install the Ledger Live App on your computer or phone. The app allows you to easily check your balance and transactions.

Using Ledger Nano X

Open the Ledger Live App with your Ledger Nano X plugged in.

Send crypto assets with the Ledger Live App and confirm the transaction from the Ledger Nano X small screen by validating with its two buttons.